Okay, I could just stop typing now. The title says it all, lol.
Trying to look all vintagey cool. |
I had to take my kids to get their flu shots, so I thought it would be a good opportunity to wear my new circle skirt. And since I didn't get any pictures of it on Sunday, and the kids were all good and tired after shots and a special Chik-fil-a lunch, I decided to take a few minutes to take pictures of my outfit for you. You see, I don't normally wear hats. I own several vintage hats in the hope that I could/would wear them, but never wear them. However, being recently inspired by Jessica of
Chronically Vintage, and her ability to effortlessly wear the most scrumptious hats on a regular basis, I decided to bite the bullet so to speak, and wear one of mine. It was also a rainy day, and the high was supposed to be 70 (farenheit) and seeing as how I get hot in hats this seemed the perfect occasion to wear one. What? Don't you dress like this to go to get a flu shot? ;)
I got this hat on eBay a couple years ago, but this is the first time I've ever worn it outside of my house, but it definitely won't be the last time. It's 100% navy wool with a little bow on the left side.
I really enjoyed wearing a hat, and felt like my outfit was more complete with it on. |
I did get some looks, but I think our pediatrician and the nurses there are used to me looking unusual, lol. I was surprised how comfortable I felt in the hat. I think I need to find hairstyles that work with the hats I have and let the hat do the talking instead of my hair. I also like this style of hat on me. Pillbox hats I can't figure out on me, but I think this style is rather flattering, whether anyone else does or not, lol.
No, my hem is not that uneven, just realized my skirt was on the chair, lol. |
This is the second circle skirt I've made from
this pattern, and I'm considering starting a third. This time around it was way easier. I was able to make the waistband the perfect size the first time and just cut out the skirt about six inches shorter than the pattern called for. The length is just below the knees, which I think is perfect, because I don't much care for the look of knees, mine or others. The only thing with circle skirts is to beware of sudden wind or breezes, lol, but that's what slips are for, right?
I still like twirling in a circle skirt. I also wore a vintage slip with a slight crinoline at the bottom that I think did help the silhouette. Does this mean I may have to try a full on crinoline now? Hmmm. |
I wore this skirt with a plain navy tee I bought at old navy about five years ago and a soft, almost fuzzy, blue sweater that I've had for literally about fifteen years. I even wore this sweater the first time I went to the movies with my husband. We were both seventeen. <3 It has little shiny round blue buttons and embroidered flowers on the bottom front corners.
My husband still likes to see me wear this sweater as he says it reminds him of when we first were dating.
He's such a romantic to even remember what I wore. <3 |
I also wore a favorite new brooch of mine. I call it my homeschool mom pin, because it has the three little baby birds being taught by their mamma. I ordered this on eBay, and it was one of those things I just "had" to have. The first time I saw it, I couldn't afford it, so had to let it go, but no one else bid on it and the seller relisted it. Fortunately I could afford it by then, but unfortunately I did have to bid against someone else and pay more than I would have originally. This picture was photobombed by Sir J the Brave. Ain't he cute?
I didn't realize until I took these pictures that the little flowers would look like polka dots from a distance, but I think that just makes it look that much more vintage.
I carried a black and white leather purse that I've had for almost ten years. I think purses are like shoes. If you buy a good one in a classic shape and color they can be used for years. A fairly expensive purse at the time, but considering I've used it so long and it's still in near new condition, I think it was worth it.
I'm not sure what kind of a pose this is supposed to be, but you get a really good view of our handy vac and the apples on our kitchen counter. |
Once again I didn't get any pictures of my shoes, but I wore my black Frog Prince mary jane ballet shoes mentioned before, but still not pictured, sorry. You see, I'm a bit of a germ-a-phobe. I have a degree in Cardio-pulmonary Science and worked in hospitals before having kids, so we don't wear our shoes upstairs, but take them off in the basement. This also helps keep little babes from chewing or sucking on shoes or touching germy bottoms of shoes onto their toys and placing said toys in their mouths. I know, but we've all got our quirks, right?
Oh, and a quick shot of the adorable black and white check pants my mom made my son. Since he wanted to photobomb anyway, I thought I could share the cuteness a little more. <3
I was actually surprised how much I like this outfit. |
I hate the idea that because I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, that means I should look sloppy, and have found that when I actually dress for the day, I get more done and am in a better mood. It's not that I never wear sweats at home or pajamas for that matter, but I do try to wear something nicer if we're going somewhere, even if it's just the grocery store.
Sir J the Brave and I, we're buddies. |
Do you "dress up" to run errands? Have you found that how you dress changes the way you act?