Friday, December 5, 2014

The 12 Days of Vintage Challenge

I'm very excited to present the 12 Days of Vintage Challenge to you today.

The idea comes from the fact that getting into vintage clothes can be a little scary at first, especially if you're familiar with most vintage bloggers. Bloggers can make it look so easy to wear it everyday, even if we don't wear it everyday ourselves. Unless you have a friend in real life who dresses in vintage clothing, it's very easy to get discouraged.
Interested? Well, here's the rules.

1. You have to wear at least one vintage item of either clothing or accessory for twelve days during the month of December. Style it and wear it any way you like.

2. Sign up for the Flickr page 12 Days of Vintage and post pictures of your vintage item or outfit there.

3. Link to this post, or at least credit Betsy's Baby, and post on your blog or social media, but you don't have to have a blog or social media to participate.

The 12 Days of Vintage Challenge starts now I will be posting helps here as well as providing links and tips along the way. No pressure, but just the encouragement to wear a little more vintage this month.

Now, have fun and a Very, Merry, Vintage Christmas to you!

Oh, and if you haven't enter the Birthday Giveaway yet, please do! The giveaway ends on December 11, 2014!


  1. This is a great idea! I was on the verge of doing a daily style challenge thing on instagram, but I chickened out. I kept thinking there should be a vintage version. So this is exciting! I am in :)

    1. Yay! I've already got a flickr group set up. Maybe I won't be the only pictures on there now, lol.
      Spread the word!

    2. I'll mention it on instagram :)

      I've put my first picture on the group. It's going to be harder than I thought, since I don't fit into and/or can't breastfeed in most of my vintage clothes. So it will mostly be accessories from me!

    3. Well, I failed in the challenge! I did actually wear more vintage items than I ended up posting photos of, but I still didn't make it to 12. But I was really pleased that I tried. It motivated me not only to wear some things I rarely wear, but also to dress up a bit more on many days. Thank you!
