Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Workbasket Wednesday: Half Knot Stitch Doily

Today's Workbasket Wednesday is for a Half Knot Stitch Crocheted Doily. 

It's odd isn't it, how doilies have fallen out of favor? There was a time where you couldn't have went into anyone's home and not have seen a doily or two. Both of my grandmothers had piles of beautifully crocheted doilies. My maternal grandmother still had her home decorated with them when she died and we found tons of them in storage at my paternal grandmother's house after her death. And anyone who has went into an antique or thrift store knows they are often plentiful and cheap there. 

They really are beautiful works of lacy art and you know when you see one that someone, somewhere, has worked extremely hard to make such a beautiful thing. I have a lot of them I have inherited and have been known to rescue some I've found at little antique shops. There has to be a way to preserve and use them for our modern lives, and I'm seeking to find a way to not let these beauties rot away and be lost, especially those hand made by my grandmothers. What would you suggest?

Oh, and enjoy the dress ad opposite!


  1. your blog is making me want to lern to sew

    retro rover

    1. Yay! It's such a great creative outlet and something I think everyone can do even if just basic sewing. It saves you money when you make your own things, gives you the ability to customize clothing and home items, and it takes away a little money from the sweatshop horror that is the modern clothing industry. The last reason is primarily why I'm trying to use up my stash or find fabric that can be reused.
      As they say, "Jump in, the water's fine."

  2. After looking at some vintage patterns and my husband's grandmother's work - I think sturdier one could be sewn together to make table runners, table cloths or even a bedspread. I've thought about trying but not gotten around to trying.

    1. That's a great idea! I may have to dig out all my old doilies and make a bedspread. I can't imagine having anything white and delicate on my table at this point as I will soon have four little ones six and under, but that would make a beautiful gift or keepsake.
