Saturday, March 29, 2014

Scarves And Windy Days: Yea or Nay?

As it is the beginnings of spring now, and where I live that means lots of rain showers and windy days. While these are both good for growing things and flying kites (my kids actually like this weather), it's hard on your beautiful hairstyles. How annoying is it to find a great way to set your hair and plaster it with hairspray so every strand looks perfect only to walk to your car and have it blown everywhere?This just happened to me. Yesterday the wind was blowing so hard I couldn't go from my house to my car through a parking lot without my hair looking crazy afterwards. Today, it was a little windy and kind of that misty sprinkly rain going on.
This is something I've been thinking more and more about, and as I often do, I've looked to my grandmothers and the women of the past to how they solved this problem.

1930s fashion magazine cover

Well, one solution is scarves. Why did we quit wearing scarves to protect our hair? And how do you wear one with style and without looking like you're a follower of a certain religion? (Unless of course you do wear one for religious purposes.)
Headscarf scarf fashion Street style
A beautiful scarf tied over one's hair just seems like the perfect springtime accessory to protect your hairstyle and to add beauty and glamour to any outfit.

I suppose we quit wearing scarves on our heads for the same reasons we quit wearing hats and girdles and stockings and many other items that used to be an integral part of women's wardrobes, but now is seen as ridiculous. But hey, they won't think it's so ridiculous when your hair looks great after walking through a parking lot or even a park in the wind.
audrey hepburn

A beautiful scarf tied over one's hair just seems like the perfect springtime accessory to protect your hairstyle and to add beauty and glamour to any outfit. 

Wearing head scarf-4
The above picture is how I want to look when I put on a scarf to protect my hair from the wind (except I would be wearing a top, lol). But....
Queen Elizabeth II wears vintage Hermes #headscarf. Hurt Wilderbeast oddly silent. #Islamophobia #LadiesFashions
source fear is that I will end up looking like this! No offense to her majesty, and I'm sure her hair looked great because of the scarf. She wears them a lot, and being that she's queen and has more options than I do for keeping her hairstyle looking great, perhaps she's wiser than I give her credit for being. 
Also, when do you take off the scarf? If I'm going to the grocery store, do I take it off as soon as I enter? How about in the car? I don't drive a convertible, so should I tie one one after I arrive? Also, how do I tie it so it doesn't flatten and ruin the hairstyle I was trying to protect? Will it keep out some of the dampness and humidity so my hair isn't so frizzy?

1950s pink coat + headscarf love. #vintage #pink #coat #headscarf #fashion #1950s
There's so much to think about! But first thing's first, I will have to invest in some beautiful vintage scarves. I have a chiffon black small scarf, but that's pretty much it, so scarves are going to be something I'll be on the lookout for.

Would you consider wearing a head scarf like this? Do you think it could make a difference on windy or wet days?


  1. I've actually been thinking about this! I live in West Texas, where the wind blows ALL the time. I should be used to it, but it's been worse than usual this year. I went so far as to google how to wear a scarf like Grace Kelly. I like your post, and love the photos you have. I had to laugh at the photo of the queen. She's the queen, and always looks appropriate, I suppose. (Her scarf is pretty awesome.) Still, even though I'm not going to look like a movie star, I'd like to at least try for a more elegant look. Maybe the key is to get a scarf long enough to wrap around the neck? Rather than tying it under the chin, I mean, which always looks a bit "grandma" to me. I'll have to practice.

    1. Great idea. Not tying a short scarf under the neck could keep it from looking too grandma-ish. I'm looking for longer scarves that would work for this, especially something like a chiffon. My hair can look wild in a matter of seconds, like getting the kids from the house to the car (about 6 feet). I definitely need to experiment and find something that works as it's almost always windy here, too, if no where else than input neighborhood. Thanks for the suggestions.
