Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Workbasket Wednesday: Various Kinds of Hems

Today's Workbasket Wednesday is all about hems. Whether you're a great seamstress or not, everyone should know how to hem something. The below instructions are easy to follow and show both hand-stitched and machine-stitched hems and when to use different kinds. If you buy vintage clothing that's definitely some handy information for resetting hems that have come undone or for shortening or lengthening existing hems to make a vintage piece fit you perfectly. 



  1. This is great information! Will have to refer back to it when hemming my first circle skirt very soon. All it needs done to it is the hem, but I keep procrastinating

  2. Thanks, I like learning new techniques, too. And congratulations on your first circle skirt! I love circle skirts, but the hemming seems like it goes on forever, lol. I've also heard you should let them hang for a bit to let the hem fully stretch anyway, so maybe it's good you've procrastinated.
